Since 1982, The America Group has operated with the purpose of helping clients take control of their money. While many firms focus on showcasing average rates of return, or promoting a particular product, we understand that taking control of your money requires something entirely different. It requires not only a systematic approach to understand your goals, fears and thoughts, it also requires a redefinition of what the playing field looks like. Chances are, you have preconceived notions about investing, the role of financial advisors, banks, taxes and the government. Or, perhaps there are things you’re unaware of. We’re here to shine the light on those areas, and help you gain a clear understanding of the players, the rules of the game, and how you can position yourself before an investment plan is ever developed.

To create, enhance and protect the financial well-being of our clients. Our success is measured by their success
What We Believe
We believe in helping people. This involves not only planning for the future, but also helping them feel more secure and confident about their financial situation at every step of the way.
We believe in education and are passionate about sharing our knowledge to help people.
We believe in creating positive change in our clients’ financial lives for today and for the future.
We believe in empathy, understanding the dreams and concerns in the hearts and minds of clients.
We believe in plugging the holes where clients may be losing money and not even know it.
We believe that our success is measured by our clients’ success.

Phone: (314) 918-8080
Fax: (314) 918-1909